Life-work balance for working moms

Being a mom in the workforce is a perpetual juggling act. As a working mom, you may feel that you're unable to give your "best" to both your job and your children. The constant tug of war can be mentally and physically exhausting.

A lot of working moms feel that "they are not doing anything right”. Despite being successful professionals and attentive, loving moms, many of them feel that there is always something they can be doing "better".

Work-Life Balance

Finding the perfect balance between life and work can feel like an impossible task. It may often feel like you are rejecting one aspect of your life by choosing to prioritize the other.

Especially with the accessibility that technology offers, jobs can demand your commitment and attention around the clock.

In the meantime, your children may be losing a first tooth, making new friends on the playground, or learning how to read. You may be feeling that you're missing out on some of the milestones, and it's normal to sometimes feel guilty or resentful.

We often want to do it all, and in the process we may find ourselves losing balance. Sometimes that shows up in physical symptoms, such as headaches or back aches. Other times, you may find yourself battling bad moods or just a sense of dissatisfaction that won't go away.

Create a balance that works for you

If you're a working mom feeling overwhelmed by all the responsibilities that come along with the role, here are some things you can do to ease the weight:

  • Take a break: Sleep can work miracles for stress. If another adult is around, see if you go for a short walk, take a nap or have a coffee (or healthy snack) break on your own. This may feel like cheating, but what you’re really doing is recharging your batteries so you can be more present for your kids, at work, and for yourself.

  • Schedule one-on-one lunch dates with each one of your children: While it's true that children need and deserve lots of attention, you may be surprised by their great capacity to soak up every moment of one-on-one time. It can be a bi-weekly lunch date, a few minutes set aside before bedtime, or an early breakfast every few days. As long as it's just you and him or her, the two of you can bond deeply in a surprisingly short amount of time.

  • Ask for help: Sometimes, the strongest and best thing you can do for everyone is reaching out for help. Be honest with your limitations, and accept them for what they are. You are rocking this.

  • Take some mental health time: While this may be counter-intuitive, it’s worth remembering that you can’t pour out of an empty glass. Schedule a manicure, a lunch date with an old friend, or a few hours of reading in the park or visiting a museum. View this time as an investment.

How therapy can help

A therapist can guide you in cultivating balance and inner calm. I understand the struggles of constantly being tugged between two places. Using an approach that is unique, warm, and collaborative, I will support you in exploring and easing your anxieties and doubts. I will use an individualized mix of modalities to work you through your anxieties and doubts.

Together, we will work on creating coping skills that can help you feel confident in your choices, connected to your family, and fully present at both work and home. 

Reach out today

If you or someone you love is struggling to balance career and motherhood, please reach out for support in San Jose, California. Feel free to call me for a complimentary 15-minute phone consultation.


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